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Whiteside quarry notice

Posted on Thursday, March 28, 2024 at 2:33 pm

A quarry in Whiteside is in process and a public notice for M2023-21 was issued on December 13, and the last day to comment is January 12.

Non-Coal Proposed Issuances

Applicant: Thunder Air, Inc.

Facility: River Gorge Ranch Quarry

Permit Number: TN0070725

Permit Writer Initials: GEK

Discharge Rating: Minor

County: Marion

EFO Name: Chattanooga

Street Address: Highway 134

City and Zip Code: Guild, 37340

Description of Activity Limestone: Crushed and Broken Quarrying

Effluent Description: Treated wastewater and stormwater

Receiving Stream: Moroney Gulf Branch

For more information regarding this proposal see and to comment on the proposal email

The purpose of this notice is to advise the public of the following proposed permit actions and to solicit  comments and information necessary to evaluate the potential impact of the proposed activities on  human health and the environment.

How to Comment

The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation is requesting public comments on the proposed permit actions. Obtaining a broad range of facts and opinions on Agency actions is one of the  best ways to ensure quality decisions. Persons wishing to comment on the proposed permit actions may  submit comments in writing to the Mining Section at the Knoxville Environmental Field Office, Attn: Public Notice Coordinator; by fax to (865) 594-6105; or by e-mail to


Comments must be received before the close of the comment period.

How to Request a Public Hearing

Interested persons may request in writing that the Division hold a public hearing on any application. The  request must be filed before the close of the comment period. You must indicate the interest of the party  requesting a hearing, the reasons that a hearing is warranted, and the water quality issues being raised.  When there is significant public interest for a hearing, the Division will hold a hearing in accordance  with Rule 0400-40-05-.06 (12). A separate public notice will announce the public hearing.

How the Department Will Proceed

The Director of the Division of Mineral and Geologic Resources will determine the final permit action  after considering comments submitted during the comment period, the hearing record, if any, and the  requirements of Federal and State acts and regulations.

To Obtain Permit Details

Copies of the applications, draft permits, and supporting documentation are maintained in the Mining  Section’s permit files at the Knoxville Environmental Field Office. There is a nominal fee for copying. The files are available for public inspection during normal visiting hours. E-mail or call (865) 594-5460 to schedule an appointment for the review. Information is also available in the  Division of Water Resources Data Viewer at: dataviewers.html.

State of Tennessee Antidegradation Policy

Tennessee’s Antidegradation Statement is found in Rule 0400-40-03-.06 of the Tennessee Department  of Environment and Conservation. The primary purpose of the antidegradation policy is to establish a  greater level of protection for high quality waters. Some high quality waters are in near pristine  condition. Others are determined to be high quality due to specialized uses and/or unique features.

Generally, there are two types of high quality waters. Outstanding National Resource Waters receive  the greatest level of protection. The Board of Water Quality, Oil and Gas designates these waters. New  discharges or expansion of existing discharges cannot degrade existing water quality. The Department  identifies other high quality waters known as Exceptional Tennessee Waters and protects against their  degradation. The Department may allow some degradation if the Department deems it economically and  socially necessary.

Non-Exceptional Tennessee Waters refer to surface waters that do not have the identification and/or  designation as high quality. These waters must achieve and maintain Tennessee’s Water Quality  Standards.

State of Tennessee Policy of Non-Discrimination

Pursuant to the State of Tennessee’s policy of non-discrimination, the Tennessee Department of  Environment and Conservation does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, color, national  or ethnic origin, age, disability, or military service in its policies, or in the admission or access to, or  treatment or employment in its programs, services or activities. Equal Employment  Opportunity/Affirmative Action inquiries or complaints should be directed to the EEO/AA Coordinator,  Office of General Counsel, William R. Snodgrass – TN Tower, 312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue, 2nd Floor,  Nashville, TN 37243-1102 or telephone 1-888-867-7455. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)  inquiries or complaints should be directed to the ADA Coordinator, Human Resources Division,  William R. Snodgrass – TN Tower, 312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue, 2nd Floor, Nashville, TN 37243-1102, 615-532-0200. Hearing impaired callers may use the Tennessee Relay Service (1-800-848-0298).



If it is hard for you to read, speak, or understand English, TDEC can provide translation or interpretation  services free of charge by contacting Brian Canada at 615-532-0660 or

Si le resulta difícil leer, hablar o comprender inglés, TDEC puede proporcionarle servicios de traducción  o interpretación sin cargo comunicándose con Brian Canada al 615-532-0660 o

The Marion Tribune – January 4, 2024