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South Pittsburg Commission celebrates three retirees

Posted on Friday, February 2, 2024 at 12:48 pm

Standing: Russell McCain & Ronny Myers, Sitting: Ronnie Lancaster

Staff Report

South Pittsburg City Commissioners celebrated three retirees of the past year on November 6, with a public reception before a special luncheon for fellow city employees.

Ronnie Lancaster served the City of South Pittsburg for a total of 43 years. For the first 10 years beginning in 1979, Lancaster kicked off his career in the city and became Chief of Police in 1989 until December 2002. The end of that year saw Lancaster elected as City Commissioner and continued to serve the community for 20 more years. Fulfilling a two decade full circle, Lancaster retired last December and now enjoys time focusing on his family.

Also celebrated was Ronny Myers who held employment with the city for 45 years and plans on just enjoying the simple life in his retirement. Finally, Russell McCain working for nearly 43 years, plans to fish and relax now that he’s retired.

-Photo credits to Allison Richards

The Marion Tribune – November 16, 2023