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New JMS building up and running

Posted on Friday, November 1, 2024 at 1:27 pm







                  LACIE SILVA



The long-anticipated grand opening of the new Jasper Middle School building has arrived. JMS marks officially opening its doors following fall break and the October 21 Staff Development day.

To mark the occasion, an open house was held on Monday, October 21, where current students and parents were invited to explore the new facilities.

During a recent Board of Education meeting, the board discussed the transition plan for moving students from the old building to the new one. The goal was to have students begin using the new JMS building on the first school day after fall break. While some final contractor work remained at the time, Dr. Griffith and Mr. Gilliam assured the board that they expected all tasks to be completed in time for the students’ return. Some of the pending work involved ensuring that the new boiler would provide sufficient hot water for the kitchen, along with the arrival of three condensing units with evaporator coils. Only a few minor parts were left to test and balance. Additionally, there were issues with some doors expanding due to sunlight exposure, which would require further assessment during the summer.

Jasper Middle School also posted an update on its Facebook page with instructions for morning drop-off and afternoon pickup procedures, along with drone footage surveying the new area.

For morning drop-off, parents were instructed to use the second entrance coming from the four-way stop and to drop off their children at the back of the building in a single line for safety reasons. The back entrance would close at 7:45 a.m., after which drop-offs would occur in front of the school.

For afternoon pickup, parents were also directed to enter through the second entrance. Once on campus, they would be guided into one of two lanes, which could accommodate approximately 100 vehicles if they all arrived at once. A number system would still be used, with 10 cars loaded in each lane before moving forward. At the exit, cars could turn left towards the four-way stop or right towards the traffic light. Occasionally, cars may need to stop to allow a school bus to exit.

Parents were asked to be patient during the process, and the school promised to communicate any necessary changes if the system proved ineffective.

Special thanks were given to Coach Shane Thomasson for flying the drone used to capture footage of the new school.