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MCCM in need of community support

Posted on Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at 12:58 pm

The Marion County Community Ministries (MCCM) is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization founded in 1996 by a group of local ministers who recognized the need for food and utility assistance in Marion County and is staffed solely by volunteers.

Increases in the Cost of Food and Demand

Due to many factors, including COVID, the total cost of food distributed by the Marion County Food Bank increased from approximately $26,700 in 2021 to $81,800 in 2022. The number of boxes/bags of food distributed went from approximately 5,200 in 2021 to 8,300 in 2022. This food helped 5,600 families in 2023 so far. In the first ten months of this year the food bank has distributed approximately 9,100 boxes/bags of food to about 6,000 families at a cost of just over $100,000. At this rate the food cost is estimated to reach $120,000 by the end of the year.


Increases in ‘Good Neighbors’ Funds (utility assistance)

‘Good Neighbors’ (GN) assists clients with utility disconnect notices. The purpose is to assist neighbors by keeping utilities functional during the cold winter months. The GN has seen similar increases. Normally they are closed for the summer months to reserve funds for the dangerous, critical winter months. As a result the yearly numbers reflect large peaks in the first four months and last three. However, in 2021 they were open all year to help people affected by the pandemic.

The total cost in 2021 was approximately $56,200 for 370 families. The total cost for 2022 was $59,800 for 350 families. This marks a six and a half percent increase between the years.

In first four months of this year alone, the costs totaled $43,200 (a 72% increase over the first four in 2022) for assisting 260 families. The program was reopened on October 3, after closing at the end of April per usual. The year-to-date cost accrued is $53,700 to assist 320 families. With this rate expected to continue, GN could need a total of $75,000 for this year.


MCCM is located at 141 Alabama Avenue in Sequatchie. They are open on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 10 a.m. until noon, and can be contacted at (423) 942-9556. Supporters include member churches, business sponsors, local individuals, civic organizations, and local schools. Without the support of the Marion County communities MCCM would be unable to meet the needs of their neighbors. MCCM would like to extend a big “Thank You,” to everyone who has helped, “We are so grateful.” Donations can be made on their website at

The Marion Tribune – December 7, 2023