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Kimball board approves new soccer uniforms

Posted on Friday, October 18, 2024 at 7:36 pm





Staff Writer


The Kimball Board of Mayor and Aldermen approved this season’s uniforms for the local soccer teams of the surrounding area. The approval was made by a unanimous vote.

The bill regarding the total costs for uniforms, was comprised of a total of $5,362 and an additional $161.36 from Score Sports. Score Sports is a major sports uniform provider based in Torrance, California since 1975.

Tonia May, Town Recorder for the board provided additional information during this month’s meeting regarding the costs. She stated that the approval rate for this year’s costs will be less than the average for each year.

“The $1,000 dollars that they charged for of rate, they’re gonna give us a curative of around $600. So the rate is only going to be $435.32. So it’ll be less than what you’re approving,” states Tonia.

Alderwoman Teresa Lofty also shared additional thoughts on Tonia’s statement, sharing on how Score has a made a mistake on the charge for the uniforms.

“Score actually made a mistake on when they promised us the uniforms and she has been in argument with them.” says Teresa.

Mayor Rex Pesnell expressed his personal thoughts when being asked about the rates. “It was a little more in the beginning. But because they charged us an excessive amount for shipping, we’ve been talking to them and they have brought the rate down to $600. Which puts us back in line on about how much we always are.” he said.

The bill was unanimously approved and all local soccer teams should expect new uniforms coming in within the following days of this season.