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Jasper takeover of county water line tabled

Posted on Friday, November 8, 2024 at 5:28 pm







Discussions for the town of Jasper to take over county water line projects were tabled at the recent Mayor and Alderman meeting for further details and investigation.

Mayor Turner brought the topic of county water line projects to the board for discussion, explaining that Mayor Jackson had approached them about the city taking over some of these projects. Turner clarified the procedure, stating that once the projects are completed, Mayor Jackson would request the city to adopt them if they chose to do so. One such project, near the city, would involve purchasing water from Dade County through a master meter, potentially serving 11 homes. However, the financial outlook for this project appeared challenging, with the city only clearing about $300 a month in profit while facing $53,000 in annual depreciation over 30 years, making it financially unfeasible.

The second project discussed involved Mullins Cove, which could potentially serve 34 homes, with room for expansion. Turner noted that the larger volume could make the project justifiable, but there were significant hurdles. The second phase of Mullins Cove lacked engineering drawings, approval from the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC), and a SCADA system to automate pump operations. The estimated cost for the SCADA system was around $8,500 to $8,900, and it would be necessary to connect it to the city’s water system.

Given the incomplete information and outstanding requirements, the board suggested tabling the discussion until more research could be done. This included gathering details from TDEC, the Tennessee Association of Utility Districts (TAUD), and further discussions with Mayor Jackson to clarify project specifics and city standards. The board unanimously approved to table the item, with plans to revisit it at their next meeting on Monday, November 11.