September ended on a high note after actor/comedian DJ Pryor spotlighted South Pittsburg between a meet and greet at South Pittsburg High School (SPHS) on 29 and his comedy show at the Princess Theatre on 30.
The events kicked off on September 29, at SPHS with DJ Pryor visiting with each of the grade levels during their lunch times. Moving around the lunchroom, he spent time with groups of students and got to know them. He expressed his belief that uplifting the youth is the best part of his job.
Pryor, the seasoned comedian, recently shared insights into his remarkable journey in comedy and desire to connect with people. Pryor struggled in his childhood, admitting that he was not really a ‘bad kid’ but more misunderstood. He acted out and channeled his feelings and struggles into comedy. One teacher told him, “you’re funny just at the wrong times.” Pryor explained that the teacher gave him time at the end of class to encourage his work. This pushed Pryor to get his work done so he could entertain the class at the end of every day. Pryor’s advice to young people facing adversity is to find strength within, discover their passion and purpose, seek help when needed, and move beyond those who’ve wronged them by focusing on their goals. He believes that without a purpose or passion, life becomes monotonous, and personal growth stagnates. Pryor, drawing from his own experiences, emphasizes the importance of doing good in society to elevate one’s life and exemplifies this by forgiving his parents as part of accepting a higher plan.
The final event at South Pittsburg’s Princess Theatre, featured local act Merlin Looney “MerlDog,” who opened with an original song. Before the curtains rose, he teased the crowd with his beatbox talents and cardboard fish on a line. MerlDog amped up the crowd for headliner, actor, and comedian DJ Pryor on September 30.
Pryor described how he crafts his shows around personal experiences, making them relatable. Pryor’s optimism allows him to spin even horrific stories positively, connecting with audiences on a human level. His comedy journey spans two decades, with the initial years dedicated to proving himself. Despite personal challenges, he pursued his dream full-time, even being homeless at one point. Pryor’s resilience and unique approach eventually resulted in a booking on the CBS Diversity Showcase of 2018-2019 which led to a deal with CBS, propelling his career. He emphasizes strength, passion, and purpose, encouraging others to find their voices. For struggling artists, he advises finding one’s identity and evolving to do more. Pryor’s journey serves as an inspiring testament to perseverance and humor.
The nearly two hour long show was a riot from start to finish. Pryor covered much of his childhood and experiences in adulthood, drawing laughs from the audience with his big personality. He delivered exactly as he described all the pain and trauma in the best light possible to connect with the Princess’s audience. At one point Pryor overenthusiastically pretended to trip but actually fell and accidentally turned off his mic. The genuine moment was full of laughs and cheer as Pryor attempted to speak but found the mic wasn’t working. Upon realizing he had inadvertently turned off the mic, Pryor strutted around the stage shaking off his embarrassment. At the end of the show, Pryor revealed his newest special will be released November 19 on CBS.
For more information regarding Pryor’s special and future shows, the public is encouraged to sign up for his newsletter on his website at and to follow his social media platforms on TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter by searching his name. Additionally, for more information about future shows hosted by the Princess Theatre, check out Finally, for an exclusive interview with DJ Pryor covering a deep dive into the mind behind the comedian and exclusive photos from the SPHS appearance, check out in the coming weeks.