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Brown Memorialized

Posted on Thursday, March 28, 2024 at 2:30 pm


On a blustery cold Friday, December 22, the Whitwell Volunteer Fire Department (WVFD) paid a heartfelt tribute to the late firefighter and chief Todd Brown.

In a moving ceremony, WVFD officially dedicated their fire hall to Brown’s memory, renaming it the Todd Brown Memorial Fire Hall. The event was attended by community members and fellow firefighters who, with heavy hearts, remembered Brown’s lifetime of service to the community.

A special moment unfolded as the new sign bearing his name was unveiled outside the hall, accompanied by the presentation of a plaque to his wife and mother. This touching gesture, long in the making, involved months of thoughtful planning and collaboration within the department and the city.

The city board of commissioners also played a part by allocating funds to support the realization of these heartfelt tributes. The Whitwell community honors and dearly misses Todd Brown, a dedicated servant who left an indelible mark on the lives of those he served.

The Marion Tribune – January 4, 2024